Environmental Communication


The Olympus Group is disseminating environmental information through smooth communication with its stakeholders so that they can have a fuller understanding of the environmental conservation activities conducted by its employees in local communities.

Environmental Conservation Activities

The Olympus Group is involved in continuous environmental conservation activities in the local communities where its business sites are located, including cleanup programs, tree planting and recycling.

Corporate Citizenship Activities' Newsroom

Ordinance of the Metropolitan Government

Based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Global Warming Countermeasures System, we are pleased to announce the Global Warming Countermeasures Plan of the Global Headquarters (2951 Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo).

Plans for Global Warming Countermeasures (Only in Japanese) open in new window

Olympus Environmental Day

Olympus Environmental Day

June 5th is “World Environment Day” designated by the United Nations. To coincide with World Environment Day, Olympus has been conducting activities to raise employee’s environmental awareness for the past 40-plus years. In fiscal 2024, in addition to conducting global environmental e-learning programs, Olympus held activities for the reduction of waste and promotion of recycling in each region and site, as well as tree planting, forest conservation events, and cleanup activities in the neighboring community.
Alongside these activities, our sites in Japan region have continuously contributed to environmental conservation activities of NGOs and NPOs by collecting unneeded books, CDs, DVDs, and other items, selling them to outside vendors, and donating the funds. In fiscal 2024, a total of 302,966 yen, including a matching gift from the company, was donated to the Japan Fund for Global Environment operated by the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency. In addition to group companies in Japan having recently achieved a predetermined total amount of donations to date, Olympus also received a letter of appreciation from the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency in recognition of our continued activities over many years.