
Microphotographic devices used 5mm film or instant film. The emphasis was on color reproducibility. In order to achieve photographs that were just right, the user needed to take numerous photographs while adjusting the settings slightly and then select the most appropriate one after they had finished developing. Photography of fluorescent images in particular required extensive experience and a high level of expertise. Researchers, generating microphotographs that would remain in the annals of science, needed to have excellent craftsmanship and the right touch.

Still cameras gradually evolved to include more electronic features in line with the times. The industry pioneer was the CAMEDIA C-800L digital camera, launched in 1996. Olympus began working to incorporate digital camera technology into microphotography devices, because of the ease of use and simple image data manipulation.
Olympus launched its long-awaited DP10 Microscope Digital Camera in 1998. The camera produces 1.41 megapixel images, uses 8MB SmartMedia, and features a 1.8-inch LC monitor. Photographs taken can be immediately printed on the CAMEDIA P-300 Digital Color Printer. Olympus has achieved an easy to use and convenient system that allowed researchers to obtain a print out of their observations very quickly.