"I am Camera" Mind Graphy

Event Name "I am Camera" Mind Graphy
Event Organizer Olympus Korea Co., Ltd., National Cancer Center
Event Date 17 June, 2019 - 15 July, 2019
Venue Seoul / Korea
Participants Cancer patients
Event Outline "I am Camera" is a program utilizing "cameras" as a medium to express "myself" and to discover my "inner side". It is a photo and arts education program designed by Olympus Korea with a goal of helping cancer patients, who are exhausted by a long-term hospitalization, to become energetic and maintain a healthy mind. "Camera mind graphy" is a program to heal oneself mind with pictures. Photo education is provided by Olympus' in-house instructors, and psychotherapy is provided by medical social workers.

instruction by Olympus' in-house instructors and medical social workers(1)

instruction by Olympus' in-house instructors and medical social workers(2)

instruction by Olympus' in-house instructors and medical social workers(3)
