ESG Strategy

Company Strategy

Formulation of a new Company Strategy focused on
“what lies ahead” of transformations to date toward our growth as a global MedTech company

Olympus announced the corporate transformation plan “Transform Olympus” alongside the  Corporate Strategy in 2019. In the three years which followed this, we achieved significant transformations in all aspects of our business structure, organizational and operational model, employee awareness, corporate culture, and other relevant areas. As a result, our adjusted operating margin has significantly improved from its level of 9.2% in FY2019*, to 20.0% in FY2023.
Based on these transformations, in May 2023, Olympus announced a new company strategy toward achieving further growth as a global MedTech company. Going forward, in the new stage of “Shift to Grow,” we aim to further solidify our growth trajectory by focusing on areas of disease which will be most conducive to Olympus demonstrating its best values, as well as by investing in the cultivation and development of new products and technologies that will contribute to improvements in healthcare standards. In addition, Olympus are focusing on quality assurance (QA) and Regulatory Affairs (RA), providing our high-quality products and services in line with long-term strategies, and striving to achieve sustainable business growth and increase corporate value, with patient safety set out as our foremost priority, and will thereby work actively to enhance the trust invested in us by our stakeholders.

* Includes adjusted operating margin from the Scientific Solutions Business/Imaging Business.

Focus and Simplify:Transform to Perform:Shift to Grow

Positioning of ESG in the New Company Strategy

Olympus sets out “patient safety and sustainability,” “innovation for growth,” and “productivity” as our three priorities under the new Company Strategy. We will endeavor to build a strong and sustainable organization by working with regulators and stakeholders to remain a company with integrity and transparency. We will meanwhile actively aim to contribute to the realization of Our Purpose, namely of: “Making people’s lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling,” in order to become a leader in the healthcare industry as well as in ESG.
We have positioned the promotion of ESG as a key item among our priority initiatives, and will enhance the affinity and consistency between our ESG Strategy and Olympus’s company strategy, business strategy, and functional strategy to levels greater than previously seen.

Guiding Principles

Patient safety and sustainability
Resolve pending commitments to the FDA, prove confidence with regulators
Lead in organization health and ESG
Innovation for growth
Strengthen the Olympus brand, elevate the experience of our customers
Grow our business through purposeful innovation and acquisitions
Build a high performing organization focused on patient safety and product quality
Ensure simplicity and operational efficiency

Materiality Topics at Olympus

Process for Analysis and Identification of Focus Areas and Materiality Topics

In conjunction with the formulation of the new Company Strategy, we reviewed and adjusted our ESG Strategy in FY2023. In the review of materiality, we identified Six Focus Areas and 25 Materiality Topics falling under these Focus Areas, based on fresh input from our stakeholders, societal expectations and requirements, trends within the MedTech industry, and analyses of risks and opportunities from the perspective of sustainability*.
In the process of identifying these 25 Materiality Topics, mapping of these topics onto the two axes of “importance to stakeholders” and “impact on Olympus's business (importance to Olympus)” is carried out, with Olympus then assigning these to three levels of priority: Top Priority, High Priority, and Others.
KPIs have been set for those Materiality Topics that have been positioned as particularly important Top Priority topics, with progress towards their achievement being actively managed. Progress statuses and new initiatives will also be actively discussed at ESG Committee and Board of Directors meetings.

* Since identifying four materiality items in FY2020, we revised these to five materialities in FY2022 with the addition of “Carbon Neutral Society and Circular Economy.” In the revision of FY2023, Tthe existing six important ESG areas and five materiality items were realigned into Six Focus Areas.


Identification of Social Issues

Listing up of social issues based on an outside survey on changes in sustainability trends since previous identification, as well as various ESG-related frameworks and ESG survey assessment items.


Assignation of Priority to Social Issues by Importance to Stakeholders

Conducting of interviews with medical institutions, government agencies, investors, and ESG assessment bodies. Assignation of priority to issues in terms of their importance to stakeholders


Assignation of Priority to Social Issues by Importance to Olympus

Assignation of priority to issues in terms of their impact on Olympus's business


Materiality Identification

Identification of materiality items through processes including deliberations by the Group Executive Committee and the Board of Directors (proposed and approved as part of company strategy). In addition, drafting of a Materiality Matrix with assigned priorities to the identified social issues from the perspective of the two axes.

Materiality Matrix

Materiality Matrix

Six Focus Areas and 25 Materiality Topics

The Six Focus Areas and 25 Materiality Topics are integral to Olympus’s corporate and business activities, and we will actively contribute to the resolution of a wide range of social issues through our activities related to these areas.

ESG Strategy Structure

ESG Strategy Structure

List of Respective Materiality Topics by Focus Area

We have established KPIs for each of the items positioned as Top Priorities, and are managing our progress toward achieving these.

Focus Area 1

Healthcare Access and Outcome

Concepts of Focus Areas/Vision

Olympus recognizes the healthcare business as a domain conducive to our contributing to society by exercising our prowess in the areas in which we most excel. We will aim to contribute to society by delivering innovative products that facilitate greater healthcare outcomes and training opportunities for healthcare professionals.

Materiality Topics/Medium-term Goals and KPIs/Achievements
Materiality Topics Medium-term Goals and KPIs FY2024 Achievements
Top Priority
  • Contribution to health equity and access
    • Contribution to health equity
    • HCP training and enablement
    • Strategy to improve accessibility to product
+20% CRC* related training in target emerging countries and regions 20 programs
+20% CRC* related online / hybrid training provided with HCPs globally 58 programs
High Priority
  • Innovation for better healthcare outcome
  • Public awareness building on early detection and treatment
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  • Corporate citizenship and philanthropy
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* CRC: Colorectal cancer

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Focus Area 2

Compliance, Product Quality and Safety

Concepts of Focus Areas/Vision

As a company providing medical devices, Olympus’s foremost priority should be the safety of patients. We are endeavoring to ensure observance of anti-corruption and other compliance measures and our complete accordance with the laws and regulations of respective countries to ensure the quality and safety of our products.

Materiality Topics/Medium-term Goals and KPIs/Achievements
Materiality Topics Medium-term Goals and KPIs FY2024 Achievements
Top Priority
  • Quality and safety in product, service and solution
Timely ESG disclosures according to SASB Standards* Appropriate disclosure was done. Details shown in the following chart.
High Priority
  • Business ethics and compliance
  • Privacy, Information and cyber security
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  • Risk and crisis management, risk culture
  • Ethical marketing practice
  • Innovation to improve mftg process
  • Tax transparency
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* SASB Standards: Published by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB; US) to encourage the standardization of non-financial information disclosure. Industry-specific disclosure standards have been formulated.

Information Disclosure in Accordance with SASB Standards on Product Quality and Safety
Code Accounting Metric Olympus Disclosure Information
SASB:HC-MS-250a.1 Number of recalls issued, total units recalled Appropriately disclosed on the websites of regulatory authorities in respective countries.
Example: US FDA: Medical Device Recalls ( opens in new window
SASB:HC-MS-250a.2 List of products listed in the FDA’s MedWatch Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products Database Appropriately disclosed in accordance with US FDA requirements.
MedWatch:The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program | FDA opens in new window
SASB:HC-MS-250a.3 Number of fatalities related to products as reported in the FDA Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience Appropriately disclosed in accordance with US FDA requirements.
MAUDE - Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience ( opens in new window
SASB:HC-MS-250a.4 Number of FDA enforcement actions taken in response to violations of current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), by type Appropriately disclosed on the following website. opens in new window
Focus Area 3

Responsible Supply Chain

Concepts of Focus Areas/Vision

The stable provision of medical devices is indispensable to ensuring the stable availability of healthcare in society. In addition to fulfilling our responsibility to deliver a stable supply of our products, we will actively work together with our suppliers to address social issues, such as those involving the environment and human rights.

Materiality Topics/Medium-term Goals and KPIs/Achievements
Materiality Topics Medium-term Goals and KPIs FY2024 Achievements
Top Priority
  • Supply chain risk mitigation and resilience
Annual assessment/monitoring for multi-tier supply chain risks

Globally expanded supplier visibility, collaborating with a leading risk solution provider to implement real-time monitoring and multi-tier risk identification across its supplier network.

This enhancement, including BCP plans and ESG performance indicators, emphasizes our adherence to stringent compliance standards and strengthens supply chain resilience.

High Priority
  • Human rights commitment in supply chain management
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Focus Area 4

Healthy Organization

Concepts of Focus Areas/Vision

Olympus defines a healthy organizational culture as one in which each and every employee can perform at their best, and is engaged in a variety of initiatives towards its aim of becoming such an organization.

Materiality Topics/Medium-term Goals and KPIs/Achievements
Materiality Topics Medium-term Goals and KPIs FY2024 Achievements
Top Priority
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
30% Management positions held by women by FY2028 globally 25.4%
100% Eligible male employees in Japan* take parental leave by FY2026 88.0%
High Priority
  • Employee development and engagement
  • Workplace safety and human rights
- -

* Olympus Corporation

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Focus Area 5

Carbon Neutral Society and Circular Economy

Concepts of Focus Areas/Vision

Olympus recognizes climate change as a serious issue that endangers the integrity of the global environment, as well as being an issue which affects our business activities. We will continue to promote a variety of ongoing initiatives toward the achievement of carbon neutrality into the future.

Materiality Topics/Medium-term Goals and KPIs/Achievements
Materiality Topics Medium-term Goals and KPIs FY2024 Achievements
Top Priority
  • Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions
  • Scope 3 carbon emissions
  • Circularity through product stewardship
Net-zero: Net-zero GHG emissions across scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2040

GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3): 830,202t-CO2e (increase of 18% compared to FY2020)

GHG emissions increased compared to the baseline year as a result of increased procurement of materials and components in conjunction with higher sales. In order to reduce supplier emissions, which account for the majority of emissions, we have started requesting that suppliers determine their GHG emissions and set reduction targets in accordance with the SBT. We are also implementing ongoing measures to reduce emissions from logistics including switching to direct shipping and use ships.

Carbon neutral: Net-zero GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) from our site operations by 2031

GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2): 42,380t-CO2e (decrease of 51% compared to FY2020)

We are substantially reducing emissions compared to the baseline year by conserving energy through measures such as improving manufacturing processes and updating aging facilities as well as expanding the use of electric power derived from renewable energy.

High Priority
  • Water and waste management
  • Climate risk resilience
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  • Environmental reporting transparency
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Link to Activities Pages
Focus Area 6

Corporate Governance

Concepts of Focus Areas/Vision

Olympus has, over the course of many years, focused on strengthening our corporate governance to ensure that we remain a company that is trusted by our stakeholders. We recognize that doing so is of vital importance for the sustainability of our company and will continue to strive to enhance corporate governance into the future.

Materiality Topics/Medium-term Goals and KPIs/Achievements
Materiality Topics Medium-term Goals and KPIs FY2024 Achievements
Top Priority
  • Corporate governance and reporting transparency
Enterprise Risk Management: applied consistently across the globe Conducted Enterprise Risk Management based on “Olympus Group Risk Management and Crisis Response Policy” and relevant internal rules. The result was reported to the Group Executive Committee and Board of Directors
  • Involvement of other stakeholders
  • Diversity in Board of Directors
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Contributions to Society through Our Medical Business

This section presents examples of Olympus’s contributions to society through its medical business.