Collaborating with Junior High Students to Promote Cancer Screening Awareness

Event Name Collaborating with Junior High Students to Promote Cancer Screening Awareness
Event Organizer Tokyo Jogakkan Junior High School, Olympus Corporation
Event Date 4 , 20 and 21 February, 2019
Venue (City / Country) Tokyo/Japan
Participants (Type / Numbers) Tokyo Jogakkan Junior High School third-year students: Group A (5 students) and Group B (6 students)
Event Outline On February 4, Olympus collaborated with Tokyo Jogakkan Junior High School students to come up with fresh ideas on how to raise the colon-cancer screening rate. The event was a social-contribution activity for two groups of five or six third-year students.
The students studied a poll that targeted ordinary citizens to understand the thinking of people who had not been screened. They carefully investigated the reasons why people had not received screenings and then considered methods to increase acceptance of the procedure.
An Olympus representative served as a facilitator to support the learning activity. Meetings were held at the school on February 20 and 21 and then the students announced their conclusions and recommendations to their entire classes.
Going forward, Olympus will continue to work with public educational institutions to support useful social-contribution activities.

A facilitator from Olympus suggested how to implement the project.

The Olympus representative explained the status of cancer screening.

The students learned how endoscopes are used in colon-cancer examinations.

A survey provided clues on how to increase the screening rate.