Colorectal Cancer Seminar

Event Name Colorectal Cancer Seminar
Organizer Olympus Corporation
Date 19 July, 2019
Venue Tokyo / Japan
Participants About 900 Olympus business partner representatives
Event Outline Olympus hosted a seminar on colorectal cancer at Olympus Hall in Hachioji, Tokyo in an effort to familiarize its business partners and suppliers with the importance of the early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. Miki Haramoto, a news reporter who was diagnosed with an early stage of colon cancer, took the podium and urged the audience to take the first-line colorectal cancer screening test known as the fecal occult blood test, which detects blood in stool, stressing that it is an easy and inexpensive screening method, and that it is said that over 95 percent of colorectal cancer cases can be cured if detected and treated early. There was also a display of medical endoscopes used to examine and treat cancer and other diseases at the entrance of the Hall. Olympus will continue to contribute to better health for all through its cancer awareness activities, with the goal of making people's lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling.

Miki Haramoto speaking about colorectal cancer

An attentive audience

A medical endoscope on display
