Seminar on Supporting Work-Life Balance for Cancer Patients

Event Name Seminar on Supporting Work-Life Balance for Cancer Patients
Organizer Nagano Prefectural Health and Welfare Department
Date 16 October, 2019
Venue Nagano / Japan
Participants Approximately 100 (human resource and general affairs managers, etc., from companies in Nagano Prefecture.)
Event Outline On October 16, the Nagano Prefectural Health and Welfare Department held a seminar in Nagano Prefecture entitled "Supporting Work-Life Balance for Cancer Patients". As part of its support for this event, Olympus' Matsumoto Sales Office ran a booth exhibit and distributed cancer awareness booklets. The Matsumoto Sales Office is working with the Nagano Prefectural Government to combat cancer under the "Nagano Business Partnership for Cancer Action (known as the "Cancer Action Partnership"). On the day of the seminar, the Olympus exhibit featured a gastrointestinal endoscope system equipped with AI-based endoscopic image diagnosis software. Seminar attendees and prefectural government officials showed keen interest in this system.

Olympus booth exhibit

Interview from a press

Group photo of Olympus employees
