Build-A-Bike Event

Event Name Build-A-Bike Event
Organizer Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas Corp.
Sponsorship Olympus Workday Volunteer Hours for Bike Donation
Date 25 February, 2020
Venue Waltham, MA / USA
Participants Over 70 Employees
Event Outline Over 70 Olympus employees in Waltham, MA participated in a team building and volunteer event to build bikes for children. The bikes, as well as donations of helmets, locks, and art supplies were donated to the Boys and Girls Club of Waltham. Employees had to work on their communication and networking skills and work together as a team to solve challenges, where they were rewarded with bike parts that needed to be traded amongst the other teams to gather all required bike parts. The teams then worked together to assemble the bikes. Employees were able to use their workday volunteer hours to participate in this event.

Assembling the Bikes

Group Photo
