OWS (Oceanic Wildlife Society) Nature School: June

Event Name OWS (Oceanic Wildlife Society) Nature School: June
Organizer The Oceanic Wildlife Society (NPO organization)
Sponsorship Olympus Corporation
Date 22 June, 2019
Venue Kanagawa / Japan
Participants 19 elementary school students
Event Outline Olympus sponsored the OWS Nature School, a nature observation event for elementary school students held on Saturday, 22 June in Jogashima, Miura Peninsula. This initiative is part of the NPO's "Way to remain the beautiful ocean in the future" project, which aims to let children experience and learn about seaside creatures and the natural environment while enjoying them. Olympus is focusing on the youth education supporting, sponsors and supports these activities every year. 19 elementary school students participated, and 2 volunteers from Olympus also participated, helping them take photographs of their activities and guide children. On the day, unfortunately, it was rain a little but the children enjoyed the seaside creatures and the scenery of rock landscapes they saw the first time. Olympus lent cameras to them, they took pictures and recorded them using a digital camera that is capable of underwater shooting.

Children Looking for Creatures

Lecture on the Ecology of Living Things

Take Photos with a Digital Camera

Group Photos
