Human Rights

Basic Approach and Policy

Olympus supports the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. To put international initiatives into practice in our business activities, we have also clearly spelled out respect for human rights in the Olympus Global Code of Conduct. In addition, we have formulated the Olympus Group Human Rights Policy that stipulates the implementation of human rights due diligence based on the UN Guiding Principles. We strive to respect human rights in the management of our businesses. We also urge our customers and third parties promoting business activities with Olympus to comply with the protection of human rights.

Human Rights Policy


Human Rights Due Diligence

In FY2021, Olympus became a member of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), a global organization offering support to businesses in the field of human rights and sustainability, and we engage in global activities in the area of human rights due diligence in compliance with the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights. In FY2022, Olympus implemented a human rights impact assessment that covered the entire Olympus Group, and based on the results of this assessment, undertook the following efforts in FY2023.

Firstly, Olympus established a system to grasp the management status of human rights issues within the Olympus Group. This system aimed to confirm the management status and efforts at each company and implement continuous improvements with regards to the 12 items including freely chosen employment that includes the elimination of forced labor, child labor, working hours, humane treatment, non-discrimination and non-harassment, freedom of association, and the utilization of emerging technologies such as AI. In FY2024, Olympus plans to investigate the current state of affairs at each company in the Olympus Group according to this procedure.

Also, in consideration of trends in the laws and regulations in each country, Olympus received cooperation from BSR and implemented a human rights impact assessment at a domestic medical equipment manufacturing site. This human rights impact assessment confirmed the manufacturing site's compliance with Japanese laws. Meanwhile, it came to light that when compared with the standards set by organizations such as the ILO and international industry associations, there were differences regarding the scope of workers for whom the company has a responsibility to respect their human rights. Olympus will examine future actions based on the constraints of laws in Japan.

Furthermore, in accordance with its Human Rights Policy, in FY2023, Olympus deployed e-learning globally to introduce Olympus' responsibility to respect human rights in its supply chain and to give an overview of the laws and systems in each country. Those who enrolled in the e-learning program learned about respecting the human rights of not only those who are part of the Olympus Group but also third parties in its supply chain. In Japan, 8,998 employees enrolled in this e-learning program (enrollment rate: 94%). Olympus will continue to carry out regular educational activities to improve the awareness of its employees regarding human rights.

Preventing Harassment and Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Olympus Global Code of Conduct states that "Our Behaviors" are the expression of "Our Core Values" through our day-to-day activities. The Code of Conduct places the highest value on "Respectful Behavior." The Olympus Group does not tolerate harassment or discrimination based on personal characteristics such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identification, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, (dis)abilities, nationality and culture, language, religion, opinions, political stance, experience, or career backgrounds. Olympus makes every effort to prevent workplace harassment by itemizing concrete prohibitions on sexual and other types of harassment in the employment regulations.
The Olympus Group has created an organization structure that includes its worksites outside Japan to prevent harassment of any kind and to resolve any incidents that may occur swiftly and completely.
Olympus and its Japan subsidiaries have also established a Harassment Hotline in each business site and subsidiary as a preventive means and to provide a prompt and pertinent solution if a problem arises. Our Hotline officers are trained with the skills and knowledge to handle complaints appropriately, which include the protection of the privacy of the consulter or harassment victim, ensuring consultation confidentiality, and preventing any adverse consequences from the consultation.
Since FY2019, we have delivered the Harassment Prevention Guidebook to all employees of the Japan subsidiaries. In this guidebook, a description of gender minorities, such as LGBTQ, was also included. We keep up-to-date with the expanding scope of harassment, which covers power harassment and gender harassment, including maternity, paternity, and LGBTQ issues. Accordingly, the coverage of our internal consultation manual has been revised and enhanced. In June 2020, the so called "Power Harassment Prevention Act," which stipulates that companies must take preventative measures regarding harassment, was enforced. In preparation for this and to avoid potential incidents we provide an e-learning course to help employees to understand the key points of the law and what could be seen as power harassment.
We also hold regular harassment prevention training programs for managers, who are responsible for creating a culture of respect in the workplace, to widen their understanding and to ensure harassment-free offices.
To promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Olympus respects employee differences such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identification, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, disabilities, abilities, nationality and culture, language, religion, opinions, political stance, experience, and career backgrounds.

Initiatives with Suppliers

The following page provides details on Olympus’s initiatives with its suppliers.

Response to the UK Modern Slavery Act

Olympus KeyMed, the Olympus Group company in the UK, has issued a statement in accordance with the provisions of Article 54, Clause 1, of the 2015 Modern Slavery Act in the UK.

Olympus UK and Ireland: Modern Slavery Statement (In English only) PDFファイルへのリンクです