Company Tour from Tomigaya Second Junior High School

Event Name Company Tour from Tomigaya Second Junior High School
Organizer Olympus Corporation; Olympus Museum
Date 9 May, 2019
Venue Tokyo / Japan
Participants 5 students from Tomigaya second junior high school (Third grade)
Event Outline Olympus accepted a request of company tour from Tomigaya second junior high school in Miyagi prefecture for corporate visiting study (theme: Study about state-of-the-art medical care and medical treatment equipment in Japan) and held the event at the Technology Development Center of Olympus Ishikawa site. After explaining the history of Olympus, a staff supported hands-on experience of medical endoscopes and treatment tools using a gastric insertion model, experience a rigid endoscope, and also answered questions from students. The students commented, "Thanks to kind and detail explanation, it was easy for me to understand the history of Olympus, and I learned what kind of company Olympus is", "I understood how difficult to produce equipment that not only for a doctor to use easily but also for patients to minimizes the burden", "I had a stronger desire to work in the medical care industry in the future."

Introduction of Historical Endoscopes

Students Interested in Optical Fiber

Endoscope and Treatment Tool Hands-on

Group Photo
