Going-on Walk for Cancer Survivors (Korea)

November 4, 2020

Going-on Walk for Cancer Survivors (Korea)

Event Name Going-on Walk for Cancer Survivors (Korea)
Organizer Olympus Korea Co., Ltd.
Date 21 Sep, 2020 ~ 20 November, 2020
Venue Seoul / Korea
Participants About 150 Olympus employees and their family members
Event Outline "Going-on Walk" is an employee participation program at Olympus Korea as part of the "Going-on" campaign. It is done by setting a target number of steps and giving away the number of steps by employees. When the goal is achieved, a preset donation (KRW 5 million) will be used as a program support expense for cancer survivors in Going-on project. The way to participate is very simple. When employees install an application on their mobile phone, the number of steps is automatically measured and the accumulated steps can be easily donated by pressing the Donate button. In addition, all employees can participate easily without physical time and space constraints.

Screen Capture of the Application of Going-on Walk


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