The Beautiful Day (Korea)
December 16, 2020
The Beautiful Day (Korea)
Event Name | The Beautiful Day (Korea) |
Organizer | Olympus Korea Co., Ltd. |
Date | 27 October to 19 December, 2020 |
Venue | Seoul / Korea |
Participants | 22 Olympus employees |
Event Outline | "The Beautiful Day" was planned to celebrate World Environment Day, also designed as a CSR activity that all employees can participate in it by donating goods such as clothes, books, etc. The main purpose of this project is to protect our environment by recycling, and to give employees a chance to think about serious environmental pollution problems. The proceeds collected through the bazaar are used for the disadvantaged in the community or for environmental activities. |
A Reception Desk for Donations in Kind
A Donation Bag and a Handbook for Donation
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