Hachiojihigashi High School : Problem Solving Project (Japan)

April 16, 2021

Hachiojihigashi High School : Problem Solving Project (Japan)

Event Name Hachiojihigashi High School : Problem Solving Project (Japan)
Organizer Hachiojihigashi High School
Date 1 October, 2020 - 13 March 2021 (13 times in total)
Venue Tokyo / Japan
Participants 35 students
Event Outline

For a six-month period between October 2020 and March 2021, Olympus organized and supported a series of classes on the use of endoscopes to learn about cancer, as part of its “Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study” program at Hachiojihigashi High School in Tokyo. The participating students explored how cancer deaths could be reduced by learning about the use of endoscopes in the early detection and treatment of the disease. In March, the students gave group presentations on this theme. Over the course of the current fiscal year, Olympus staff not only presented classes at the school, but also gave online lessons for the first time via an Internet link to the classroom.

Olympus Employees Participate in Group Discussions with Students

An Online Lesson


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