Girlscouts "Zooming into Careers"

September 3, 2020

Girlscouts "Zooming into Careers" (United States of America)

Event Name Girlscouts "Zooming into Careers"
Organizer Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Date 18 June, 2020
Venue Allentown, Pennsylvania / United States of America (Online)
Event Outline Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania dove right in to the virtual programming world and we’ve been swimming pretty successfully for the past three months! One of Olympus's weekly offerings for older girls has been a “Zooming into Careers” hour-long interview with professional women from around our Council. This program gives our girls a chance to learn about what awaits them in their future. Each week one Girl Scout gets the special opportunity to be the lead interviewer, coming up with questions for you and moderating questions from her sister Girl Scouts. On June 18th, the group interviewed Mindy Benedict from Olympus.


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